Director & CEO
“The ultimate disaster film” – the title for my first short film at the age of 11 couldn’t have been more fitting. This was followed by the premiere of my embarrassing 90-minute feature film in front of an audience of 100 and a further 300 amateur films up until my 18th birthday, when I accidentally won 25 film awards worldwide and the rating “particularly valuable” with my documentary debut “Test Driver”.
Named “Germany’s best up-and-coming director 2012” by the German Youth Video Award, I founded the film agency Sons of Motion Pictures GmbH in Leipzig, later in Coburg, to coincide with Valentine’s Day 2014.
My film family now has 45 permanent employees on 700 m² with 55 film awards. The SONS shoot commercials, documentaries, series and animated films worldwide for well-known clients such as Warner Bros, Microsoft, Daimler, Rotkäppchen-Mumm, RB Leipzig, Lufthansa, Telekom, BMW and Schloss Einstein (KIKA).
Born in 1992 and with a high school diploma and seahorse, “Der Mittelstand” (BVMW) appointed me as Germany’s youngest senator. Today, I share exactly this unconventionally gathered experience as a professional humour speaker (or as the press now calls me “AI Pope”) with over 400 keynotes and in our 500,000 subscriber podcast “Feuer & Flamme Mindset”.
Click here for the speaker page.
Filmography director (selection):